A Mother's Day Story
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Mother’s Day is always a special time for families and even for the Downtown Auto Parking family. Gail Hesiak, the owner of Downtown Auto Parking, is like a mother to us all. She has been there every step of the way, working side by side with all of her employees. So in celebration of Mother’s Day, below is a daughter’s testimonial of her mother. Happy Mother’s Day! A Daughter’s Testimonial: The first time I heard “Downtown Auto Parking” I was wearing diapers. When I was younger, I wondered why my mother worked for a car business when she was not familiar with cars. I was unsure if my mother could parallel park. I am 26 now and have a much better understanding of the discourse I have been listening to entire life. My mother took everything she learned from my grandmother and made it better, which is a difficult task for the sole reason that my grandmother was also an extraordinary businesswoman. So why did my mother put forth endless effort and countless hours into transforming a good business into a great business? She did it because she thrives off making someone else’s life easier. She lives for the moments when she can solve a supposedly unsolved problem. She enjoys tackling new opportunities with bravery. She loves to talk and adds a touch of real partnership and relationship to her work. Everyone she greeted grew an instant smile. I thought a lot about why my mother would always go out of her way to make someone smile. Today, after 26 years, I finally understand. My mother does everything she does because she is more than an extraordinary businesswoman. She is also an extraordinary mother, friend, business partner, boss, and acquaintance. - Gina Hesiak
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